Tseng Kwong Chi


Tseng Kwong Chi is a very interesting photographer to me and really peaked my interest in his self-portraits. His East meets West series being his most famous work really intrigued me with a simple idea but very effective. As you can see above and below, he would do self-portraits in front of famous United States Landmarks or icons. He is usually always wearing his Mao-suit to represent his Chinese heritage and also adds a very interesting angle. He died in 1990 at 39 years old but his work still lives on and inspires many people with his work. I am actually considering using him as inspiration for my own self-portraits but in a different like landmarks that are important to me and my life. 

    I love his work a lot and have great ideas for my own project I can use inspired by his "Landmark" self-portraits. These photos give off more than just posing next to a landmark, they create this feeling of a journey almost. Compared to where he started to seeing the world but still keeping the heritage and never forgetting where he came from. A lot of very intersting photos with amazing angles that not only show the mass and awe of these lanmarks but also his experience in his journey through seeing the world.
