
Showing posts from October, 2022

Annie Leibovitz

  Annie Leibovitz is one of the best portrait photographers in America due to her use of color and poses in her pictures. Annie first broke out in 1970 when she was hired by Rolling Stone and became the chief photographer. Her first big hit was when she left Rolling Stone for Vanity Fair and took portraits for very famous people like presidents and actors or performers. Her portraits are very in depth and the viewer can tell a lot based on these photos. The picture above is Daniel Craig who is most famous for his role as James Bond. The picture was captured by Annie and is one of my favorite portraits ever. The way his eyes are so sharp and bright really makes the picture. The pose is also vital as he is just smoking a cigarette with blood all over him and looks a little roughed up. Considering most people knowing him as James Bond, this picture is very cool and makes him seem like a badass to be honest. A very cool picture with the eyes and the pose to making this picture what it ...

Tseng Kwong Chi

      Tseng Kwong Chi is a very interesting photographer to me and really peaked my interest in his self-portraits. His East meets West series being his most famous work really intrigued me with a simple idea but very effective. As you can see above and below, he would do self-portraits in front of famous United States Landmarks or icons. He is usually always wearing his Mao-suit to represent his Chinese heritage and also adds a very interesting angle. He died in 1990 at 39 years old but his work still lives on and inspires many people with his work. I am actually considering using him as inspiration for my own self-portraits but in a different like landmarks that are important to me and my life.      I love his work a lot and have great ideas for my own project I can use inspired by his "Landmark" self-portraits. These photos give off more than just posing next to a landmark, they create this feeling of a journey almost. Compared to where he...