
Final: Mark Mann

      Mark Mann is from Scotland and is mostly a celebrity photographer who does real close ups portraits with very high detail and usually an artificial light to help bring out the raw features of the people he photographs. Mark now resides in New York City where he does most of his work on his own and his work often appearing in many magazines. Mark's work amazes me, which is why I chose him as my final photographer for my inspiration project. The way he gets so close to people to capture the details of their face is extraordinary and really helps capture what that person has experienced through life.      Looking at his portraits when i was doing research was great because you could tell through my work that he was my inspiration and just added a little features to my own. He does most of his in color, while i did all of mine in black and white. My reasoning was of how much rawer and more realistic they felt as black and white. It honestly...

Martin Schoeller/Portrait Inspiration

            I chose Martin Schoeller as my inspiration for this project and specifically this image of Sylvester Stallone. After going through Martin Schoeller pictures, I ended up looking at this one and very much enjoying it and knowing that I would use this image for inspiration. I love the black and white look and think it matches this actor perfect, especially if you know his movies like the Rambo's or Rocky's. The very serious tone of the image with extreme detail and realism. I also love the little details in the face and pose or angle the image is captured in. It really gives off this serious tone which is what I tried to capture in my images with realism in different stereotypes or characters like Stallone here who is well known for being a general badass in action movies. I chose this image at first because Sylvester Stallone is one of my favorite actors in action movies as a kid and also, I really loved the angle of the picture. I also chose...

Annie Leibovitz

  Annie Leibovitz is one of the best portrait photographers in America due to her use of color and poses in her pictures. Annie first broke out in 1970 when she was hired by Rolling Stone and became the chief photographer. Her first big hit was when she left Rolling Stone for Vanity Fair and took portraits for very famous people like presidents and actors or performers. Her portraits are very in depth and the viewer can tell a lot based on these photos. The picture above is Daniel Craig who is most famous for his role as James Bond. The picture was captured by Annie and is one of my favorite portraits ever. The way his eyes are so sharp and bright really makes the picture. The pose is also vital as he is just smoking a cigarette with blood all over him and looks a little roughed up. Considering most people knowing him as James Bond, this picture is very cool and makes him seem like a badass to be honest. A very cool picture with the eyes and the pose to making this picture what it ...

Tseng Kwong Chi

      Tseng Kwong Chi is a very interesting photographer to me and really peaked my interest in his self-portraits. His East meets West series being his most famous work really intrigued me with a simple idea but very effective. As you can see above and below, he would do self-portraits in front of famous United States Landmarks or icons. He is usually always wearing his Mao-suit to represent his Chinese heritage and also adds a very interesting angle. He died in 1990 at 39 years old but his work still lives on and inspires many people with his work. I am actually considering using him as inspiration for my own self-portraits but in a different like landmarks that are important to me and my life.      I love his work a lot and have great ideas for my own project I can use inspired by his "Landmark" self-portraits. These photos give off more than just posing next to a landmark, they create this feeling of a journey almost. Compared to where he...

Alex Webb

      Alex Webb is best known for his vibrant color photographs especially in places like The U.S.-Mexico border and recently American cities. Alex is a big believer in photos asking questions rather than giving answers. He has been working for Magnum Photos since 1974 and became a full-time employee in 1979.  He has been in Color Photography for about 30 years He has published many books and has received many awards for his work in color photography. There are two reasons why I chose Alex Webb, one is because he shares my name which I know is simple, but the other is by looking at his pictures and just seeing how vibrant and fun they look. For example, the two pictures below show one in Chicago with many people showing their support for the Cubs and the man in the front with the 2016 World Series Shirt on. The Crazy thing is that the old man has never seen a Cubs World Series Win before considering there was drought of 108 yea...

Steve McCurry

     Steve McCurry is a very well-known American Photographer specializing in contemporary photography. He was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and studied cinematography at Penn State University. After working for a newspaper for 2 years he made a trip to India with nothing much other than his clothes and film. He made his way to Pakistan right before the Soviet Union invasion was happening. He disguised himself as a villager and made his way into Afghanistan where he would get his most famous picture to date. The picture of an Afghan girl with bright green eyes showing. He took many other pictures of the devastation that the Soviet Union caused within their invasion of Afghanistan. The picture below of Afghan girl made it onto the National Geographic on best pictures in 1985. It really captured the pure emotion that effected the whole area of Afghanistan.      The eyes really pop out in this image which is what the main point of the picture was to grasp...

What does Photography mean to me?

       I never really thought about this topic before and every time I take a picture with my cell phone, I don't think about why I'm doing it. After going through Photography Changes Everything and really understanding what it was trying to say, I started looking at all my pictures on my phone and around my house on the walls. Photography is everything in this world and more importantly to me it is memories and nostalgia. While this might be a common and maybe boring answer, it is all I think about. Seeing pictures of me at like a concert or a big sports game makes me rethink about myself being there at that moment and think of all the smells and how I was feeling at the time even if the picture itself didn't capture that. In the reading, it even mentions memories in photography in its own little section near the end. It discusses how our memory is foggy and photos help remember our own individual experiences. I have used photography so much in my daily life and don...